KB0013735: How to change the Web Administation time-out in OneSpan Authention Server


The default Web Administration interface time-out for OneSpan Authentication Server (OAS) is 15 min.
If you want to modify this, you need to change it in two locations. This article describes how to do this


The connection between the Web Administration Tool and OAS is using SOAP.
The time-out for this connection is configured on the OAS.
The default value for this time-out is 15 minutes. 

The connection between the browser of the user and the Web Administration Tool is using https.
The time-out for this connection is configured on the Tomcat server, on which the Web Administration Tool is running.
The default value for this connection is 20 minutes. 

If you want to set a time-out longer than 20min, you need to change the time-out on both locations: OAS and Tomcat Server. 

Problem Solution

1. Change the Idle Timeout on the OAS. 

Open the Web Administration Tool.
Navigate to SERVERS -> Session Management -> Settings
update the Idle Timeout value to the desired value

2. Change the time-out in the Tomcat Server 

You need to adapt the web.xml file in the webadmin application running on Tomcat.
For recent OAS version, this file located by default in C:\Program Files\VASCO\IAS Web Administration\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\
Find session-timeout and change the value to the desired value. (The value is expressed in minutes)

Save the file, and restart the “VASCO IAS Web Administration" Service


Security Status: External

Document type: How To

Applies to: Authentication Server

Old KB Reference: 150006