Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon (DAWL) keeps its configuration in the registry.
The location in the registry is different when the configuration is done with the DAWL Configuration Center or with Group Policy
When using the DAWL Configuration Center, the configuration is written to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VASCO\DIGIPASS Authentication for Windows Logon
e.g. Enable Digipass Authentication is written to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VASCO\DIGIPASS Authentication for Windows Logon\CredProv\SignInDigipass
value = 0 -> Disabled; value = 1 -> Enabled;
When configuring DAWL via Windows Group Policies, the configuration is written to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Policies\VASCO\DIGIPASS Authentication for Windows Logon
Only the parameters that are configured in the group policy are pushed to the registry of the clientPC; Settings that are in state "Not Configured" are not pushed to the ClientPC
In the Group Policy example below, DNS connection settings are pushed, Backup server address and port are not
When DAWL needs to read its configuration, the settings pushed by group policy take precedence.
So DAWL will look in the registry and use value of the setting under WOW6432Node.
If the setting does not exist in the registry under WOW6432Node; it will look under "VASCO\DIGIPASS Authentication for Windows Logon" and use the value of the setting there.
This can be confusing when testing/experimenting with DAWL Settings.
e.g. Enable Digipass authentication value Enabled is pushed by Group policy
You can uncheck the "Enable Digipass Authentication" in the DAWL Configuration Center + verify the registry setting = 0 under "VASCO\DIGIPASS Authentication for Windows Logon"
But when you close the DAWL Configuration Center and open it again (it will then read its settings again from registry) the checkbox will be checked again.
The explanation above about the different registry locations explains this behavior.
Screenshots are from DAWL version 3.0
Security Status: External
Document type: How To / Documentation
Applies to: Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon (DAWL)
Support Case Reference: NA